Maria Ballebella
- Nombre: María Luisa Ballebella
- Comunidad donde vives: Wynwood
- ¿Cuánto tiempo has vivido en Miami? 16 años hace que vivo en Miami
- Áreas de especialización: Coral Gables, Miami Beach, Wynnwood, Brickell .
- Actividades favoritas de fin de Semana / después del Trabajo: Yoga-Gym
- ¿Cuál es la parte más emocionante y gratificante de su trabajo? La parte más gratificante es que las personas queden sastifechas con mi atención
Maria is a newly licensed agent who has been a resident of Miami for about fifteen years. She is passionate about real estate and about helping the customer. She has gathered some of her experience in attention at clients, from being a busser at a store for clothing woman, and now, entering in the field of Real Estate. Though she is new in the field of Real Estate, she is a fast learner and a hustler. Hence she is the agent that will show you the patience and understanding of your specific situation in order to advise and help you find what you are looking for in Real Estate.